Learning literature and reading often bring a yawn, for some weird reason. These fun after school program ideas, however, can be tailored to any grade from PreK to 12. A tall order, absolutely. But, Brian Richard’s Magic of Reading can certainly meet the challenge.

The literary arts are a treasure to impart on our children and frees the imagination as well as helps in more practical ways, like problem-solving. Creativity is the essence of figuring this out, after all. 

Apart from the more verse-centric reading, Brian Richards brings prose to the forefront. Many students don’t know the value of a library or the centuries of wisdom it has, or the good easy laughs found in library books, depending on what you’re reading. After school program curriculum ideas like this can cause a resurgence in pursuing the written word. The show features magic acts, audience participation, storytelling, and of course, comedy. What’s a K to 6th-grade show without laughs?

It’s important to cover as many bases as you can when going through after school program ideas. From the giggles to the sciences and to the arts. Knowledge and education aren’t only what’s practical in the immediate time, it’s investing in interests and pursuing learning for its own sake. So, don’t forget the bookworm in after school program curriculum ideas!